70 We are the first company in Turkey to become a member of Society of Women Engineers (SWE) - of which Ford Motor Company is also a member - and we established SWE Istanbul in order to assume a more inclusive role. SOCIAL INVESTMENTS UNWomen Empowerment Principles and Equality at Work Practices Gender equality is among the important development issues in Turkey. According to the results of Gender Inequality Index 2017 of United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Turkey ranks 64 th among 189 countries. According to the data of Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkSTAT), labour force participation rate for men is 66%while the same rate for women is 29%. As signatory of Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) of United Nations, we invited our dealers and suppliers to sing it as well. As part of the Declaration on Equality at Work which we signed in 2013, we adopt the principle of equality of men and women in all activities within the company, including recruitment processes. Furthermore, we are the first company in Turkey to become a member of Society of Women Engineers (SWE) - of which Ford Motor Company is also a member - and we established SWE Istanbul in order to assume a more inclusive role. We are the first company from Turkey to become a member of Society of Women Engineers - of which Ford Motor Company is also a member - and we established SWE Istanbul in order to assume a more inclusive role. Istanbul Given for the accreditationperiodendingon the 30thday ofJune2019.