SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018 63 Gümbür Gümbür Health & Safety Theatre Play A theatre play was put on stage by Body Production Department at Kocaeli Factory during the health & safety week by production workers and health & safety team, whom also wrote the scenario, build the decor and selected the music together. Approximately 3,000 audiences consisting of employees and their families watched the play which was performed by a total of 10 employees. The record of the play, which has the purpose to raise awareness of reasons for the increasing number of accidents and issues that create accident risks, is being played during legal safety training and at all the facilities. Occupational Health & Safety We consider providing a healthy and safe work environment a responsibility beyond legal requirements. We promise our employees that we will provide them a safe work environment in which health and safety risks are effectively managed. The promise is guided by Ford Otosan Occupational Health and Safety Policy that includes the main principles that guide our practices that have the purpose to create a safer and healthier work environment. You can access the entire text of the Ford Otosan Occupational Health and Safety Policy on our corporate website . We are aware that accidents and losses may only be prevented with the common responsibility of management and employees. Therefore, we act in conformance to the policy in production and support departments, design, operation and maintenance of all plants and equipment while our employees take care of adapting to the existing safety rules and processes. We continuously put efforts to eliminate all dangers that threaten the safety of life and property such as disease, injury or fire and we act together with our employees. We provide Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) training to our employees to internalise the OHS culture, to manage risks and work in accordance to the requirements of a safe place. OHS training constitute 16% of the training provided to employees. We identify physical, chemical, ergonomic and hygienic risks that may arise while performing the job through risk analyses, we carry out on our production lines, operation and processes and we take measures accordingly. We regularly review risk analyses once a year or in case there is a change that may create any risks. There have been no fatal incidents or occupational diseases been experienced at Ford Otosan and we reduced loss days by 19% compared to 2016 through a series of improvements. We provide Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) training to our employees to internalise the OHS culture, to manage risks and work in accordance to the requirements of a safe place.